This server includes Shiny applications mostly for use in teaching statistics. Most of these applications were created by Daniel Simons and Emily Cunningham. The Psych235App is specifically for students in Psychology 235 at the University of Illinois and requires a log in. The statsApp is available for anyone to use. It includes several useful tools for learning statistics, and we plan to add more.
Currently available applications
- 235App
Web application used for students in Psychology 235 at the University of Illinois. This app requires a login. It allows students to complete understanding checks and JASP quizzes for the class.
- statsApps
This Shiny app loads other useful statistics shiny apps in tabs. These include both the pConvert and guessIt apps below. This is the best place to start if you want to use any of these apps because you can access all of them in one place.
- pConvert
This app converts between p values and test statistics. It currently includes conversions for Z, t, F, and Chi-square.
- guessIt
This app displays a graph, such as a scatterplot or data distribution. You can guess the statistic and it shows you your accuracy and tracks your guesses over time. It currently has versions for guessing a correlation and guessing a standard distribution. We plan to add more. The goal of this tool is to give people a more intuitive understanding of what statistics of varying magnitude look like.