This Shiny application was created by Daniel Simons and Emily Cunningham for use in an introductory statistics class.
Instructors can design and add quizzes and tests that are automatically graded, and students can view the assignments
(and due dates) as well as their progress and grades on all completed assignments. For assignments that require data
analysis, the system can generate a novel dataset for each student. It also allows instructors to specify whether or not
students can retake assignments, what the penalties are for late assignments, and many other assignment parameters.
Instructors must assign students a unique username (typically their email username) and password to log in.
My Progress
Once you log in, you'll see the My Progress tab (an option at the top of the application). That tab shows two tables, one showing a summary of your
completed assignments and one showing all of the available assignments, along with due dates, completion status, and grades.
You can sort either table by clicking on the column labels. You can sort by multiple columns by holding the shift key down while clicking on multiple
column labels. By default, the table of assignments is sorted by due date. If an assignment is late, but you can still receive partial credit (i.e., it's not
too late), the status column will show "LATE". If it is past the final date on which you could receive any partial credit, the status column will
show "too late". If you have completed the assignment on time or late, it will show "done". The table also lists your grade, scores on your
attempts to complete it, the date(s) you completed it, and any late penalties.
Complete an Assignment or Test
By clicking the "Complete an Assignment or Test" tab, you can take one of the available assignments.
It is possible that your instructors have not made all assignments available at the start of the term and
that others will be added. Select the assignment type from the dropdown menu, and then select the assignment
you want to complete. When you do, text will appear right below the dropdown describing your current status on
that assignment (e.g., have you done it already? is it late? Do you have a retake available, etc.).
you can then select whether you want to take it for practice, for a grade, or as a retake. Note that some
options might be unavailable for a particular assignment. If "practice" is an option and you select it, you will
be asked to select a number between 1 and 100. That number will determine the dataset you will use for practice.
You can reenter the same number to practice it again. Click "Show Assignment" and the assignment will appear on the
main window on the right. If it has an accompanying dataset, you will be prompted to download it. You can then load
the data into JASP or other statistics software to answer the assignment questions. Note that the graded and retake versions of
the dataset will be unique for each student. When you finish the assignment and click "Submit" the assignment
will be graded. In most cases, you'll see your score. For some assignments and tests, though, the grade will not be shown.
That will happen if your instructors need to manually grade open-ended responses. As soon as you see your graded assignment
you can return to the "My Progress" tab and refresh the tables to see that your grade was registered in your progress.